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sophisticated rascals:
jazz roots show group based in Zürich,
as dancer, performer
2023 - ETH Polyball at ETH Campus, "Midnight Show"
2023 - ETH Alumni Ball in Dolder Hotel, "Puppets"
2022 - Festival "Buskers Bern": 6 shows with Swing Band "The Sheiks" - choreographed and improvised pieces
2022 - Festival "Le Grand Rituel" in Winterthur: "Lazy River Blues", "Charleston"
2022 - Concert of The Sheiks in Alte Kaserne in Winterthur: "Train Boogie"
2022 - Tanznacht in Steinach: ""Tommey Dorsey", "Tranky Doo", "Train Boogie", "Happy"
2019 - Festival Solstice Bern: "Stormy Weather", "Drunken Shimsham", "Burning Feet"
2019 - Othella Dallas Concert: "Shimsham", "Tommey Dorsey"

contemporary and modern jazz show group
as a dancer, performer
2014 "Bitter romance" chor. Malgorzala Lubieniecka, Warsaw Dance Day, Choreographers' Arena
2014 "Attaboy" chor. Urszula Skoskiewicz, Concert WST, Warsaw Ballet School
2014 "Midsummer Night's Dream", chor. Malgorzata Lubieniecka, Concert WST, Warsaw Balet School

as an actress, lighting designer and content creator
Collective co-creation through theatre improvisation and brainstorming sessions.
2020 "Tout etait la pour toujours" Les Immergés, Théâtre de l'Oulle, Avignon
2019 "Tout etait la pour toujours" Les Immergés, Brussels Art Melting Pot, Brussels

atelier courteline:
contemporary dance choreographic research
as a dancer, performer, co-choreographer
2014 "La Reminescence" Theâtre Les Petit Faucheux, Tours, France
Theatre remus:
physical theatre spectacles
Creation with Jerzy Grotowski and Odin Theatre Acting Method
as an actress, performer
2013 "Brocade landscape", touring retirement homes in Warsaw
2012 "Rangoli: Ramayana", touring retirement homes in Warsaw

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